

Quote: “You should make a living spreading weird and fun.”

So I am told.  I already pretty much do. And, since those are my two favorite things- I couldn’t think of a reason not to take the advice and expand it further to people I have not yet had the privilege of meeting one-on-one.  Although, there are hundreds of other people who would rather that I didn’t. Things like “lawsuits” and “publicity concerns,” sort of topping the list of reasons why most people prefer that I don’t reveal too much. (Yeah – turns out I’m kind of a big deal. Funny, right? For the blogosphere?) This means I’m not going to be sitting around in a basement somewhere writing hateful letters to production studios about television commercials. I’m going to be thick in the American way of life… pop-culture, big-business, and entertainment – busting all the elephants in the room because I, essentially, have a front-row seat to the idiot-show of global life and business. But with sexier lighting.

Welcome to the fantasy that is my daily reality.

Or maybe I’m just preserving my anonymity to toy with you. Maybe the clerk at the AM PM down the road from my house really has it all figured out; watching me walk up to the counter, half awake, in a track suit, drinking coffee every day at 5:00 PM.

“What… do you do?” He asks me, drawing out the question and raising one eye-brow.

“Entertainment,” I say, because I can already tell he thinks I’m a stripper.

It’s easier than arguing people’s misconceptions about me to explain I’m cultivating business in Hong Kong and have late evening MMA training sessions. Anonymity is an easy thing to perpetuate, in Las Vegas. The key is to just let everyone believe whatever they want to believe.  Besides- Batman had a mask. Superman had an alter ego. (But so did Beyonce, so I don’t know what that really means anymore.) What do I have? Whatever the fuck I want. The world is mine, bitches.

-Beth Arrington. (Not my real name. But a good one.)

“He who rejects change is the architect of decay.”

– HW

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